Military Service Academy Nominations

The deadline for the 2023 cycle has passed. Please check back soon for the 2024 deadline.

Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Military Service Academies. As your 7th Congressional District Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, each year I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of people to four of the five service academies. The honor of attending a service academy comes with an obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation. Best wishes to you as you pursue your goal of attending one of the U.S. Military Service Academies and serving our country.

The Nomination Process

To be considered for an appointment to a service academy, an applicant must meet the eligibility requirements established by law and be nominated from an authorized person including a Member of the United States Senate or the House of Representatives. I may nominate applicants who are legally domiciled within the boundaries of Alabama's 7th Congressional District.

Who Is Eligible?

An applicant for a nomination must meet the following eligibility requirements as of July 1 of the year of admission to a service academy. He or she must be at least 17 years old, but not have passed the 23rd birthday, must be a United States citizen, and must be unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents.

Service Academies

There are five Service Academies: The United States Air Force (USAFA), Naval (USNA), Army at West Point (USMA), Merchant Marine (USMMA), and Coast Guard (USCGA) Academies. Nominations are required for all but the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, to which appointments are made on the basis of an annual nationwide competition.

VIDEO: Military Service Academy Preview Day 2021

View our Military Service Academy Preview Day HERE broadcasted LIVE on Facebook on November 1. 2021, with panelists from the Military Service Academies and the Marion Military Insitute.

Please note that you must start an application process with the academy you are applying to as well as the nomination process through my office. Please visit your site of interest below for the neccessary application.

VIDEO: Greeting from Congresswoman Sewell