Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Wednesday, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) led a comment to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), urging the FEC to allow candidates to use campaign funds to pay for campaign-related childcare expenses. Twenty-four Members of Congress co-signed the comment to the FEC, available here. During a year in which a record number of women are running for office, the precedent set by the FEC’s decision will have a nationwide impact.

“If we want a Congress that reflects the diversity of the American people, then we have to break down barriers for women and working parents who want to run for elected office,” said Rep. Terri Sewell. “Affording childcare is a major barrier keeping working parents from getting out on the campaign trail. Today’s letter urging the FEC to allow candidates to use their privately-raised campaign funds for campaign-related childcare is a sensible step forward. In a world where candidates spend campaign funds on private jet travel and steak dinners for donors, there is no reason why a working mother should not be able to pay for a babysitter while they make their case to voters. As the FEC makes its decision on campaign childcare expenses this week, women candidates across the country and many of us here in Congress will be watching.”

The FEC’s decision on campaign-related childcare expenses in Advisory Opinion Request (AOR) 2018-06 is expected on Thursday. The decision will set a precedent for all federal candidates, clearing the way for candidates to use privately-raised campaign funds to pay for childcare expenses related to their campaign. Hillary Clinton has also called on the FEC to authorize the use of campaign funds for childcare expenses.

In 2018, a record 527 women have declared their candidacy in U.S. House and Senate elections, a 67 percent increase over 2016.

Twenty-four Members of Congress co-signed today’s comment to the FEC on AOR 2018-06, including Women’s Issues Caucus Co-Chair Lois Frankel, Women’s Issues Caucus Vice-Chair Brenda Lawrence, and Reps. Jackie Speier, Carolyn Maloney, John Lewis, Barbara Lee, Jan Schakowsky, Bob Brady, Maxine Waters, Judy Chu, Debbie Dingell, Dina Titus, Ruben Gallego, Robin Kelly, Kathleen Rice, Yvette Clarke, Colleen Hanabusa, Sheila Jackson Lee, Don McEachin, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Frederica S. Wilson, Jamie Raskin, Gwen Moore, and Ted Deutch. The full comment to the FEC on AOR 2018-06 is available here.


Rep. Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) is serving her fourth term representing Alabama’s 7th Congressional district. She sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was recently appointed to the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Sewell is a Chief Deputy Whip and serves on the prestigious Steering and Policy Committee of the Democratic Caucus. She is also a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and serves as Vice Chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus, and Vice Chair of Outreach for the New Democrat Coalition.