Press Releases

Washington, D.C. –Today, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (AL-7) released the following statement after voting against the short-term extension of the Continuing Resolution (CR).

“Our nation is recovering from one of the worst recessions most of us have ever experienced in our lifetime. In Alabama’s 7th Congressional District, the economic downturn happened long before the rest of the nation began to experience it. Our constituents sent us to Washington to restore fiscal responsibility to our nation’s budget, create jobs and strengthen our economy.  This multifaceted approach must be accomplished through careful budgeting, collaborating and crafting solutions that work for and with America’s families.  However, it unequivocally cannot be done on the backs of our workers, children, families and seniors. 

No one supports a government shutdown.  We must pass a measure that funds the government for the rest of the fiscal year while promoting economic growth and providing vital programs that our constituents desperately need.   Funding the government in week-by-week increments merely amounts to kicking the can down the road.  It disrupts and creates uncertainty for both the private and public sectors and hinders us from strengthening the economy.

The legislative measure that I opposed today made significant cuts to programs that are vitally important to the 7th Congressional District.  This measure will:

  • Cut $225 million from the Community Service Employment for Older Americans Program that provides service based training for low income and disadvantaged seniors.
  • Cut $144 million from the Agriculture Department’s Single Family Housing program that helps low-income families purchase or build housing in rural areas.
  • Cut $125 million from the Labor Department’s Career Pathways Innovation fund that provides training to workers to develop skills in emerging industries and occupations. 
  • Cut $169 million from the Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS) grants that assist our local law enforcement agencies in preventing crime in our communities. 

Our communities, children, families, seniors and workers deserve better than the proposal that passed in the House today.  I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House to reduce spending while protecting important programs that will help my constituents, grow the economy and create jobs.”



 Contact:   Allison Abney                                                                                                       

                          (202) 225-2665