Press Releases

Washington, DC- Today, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) issued the following statement in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of 9/11:

"A decade ago, the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, changed our world. Today, on the tenth anniversary, we come together to remember the victims who lost their lives in this tragedy and the first responders who sacrificed so much to save lives, to reflect on how far we have come as a nation, and to renew our resolve to remain, in the face of all threats, a fearless, strong, and united people.

The fight against terrorism is a fight for values and principles that are universal.  Across this nation and the world, we share a common humanity.  People everywhere aspire to speak their minds, participate in their society, worship freely, live in security, and pursue education, jobs and greater opportunities for their families.  It is that very essence of America we reaffirm today as we look back on this tragedy.

Today as we reflect,  we are also reminded that each of us bears a unique sense of responsibility to one another, to our communities, to our states, and to our nation. Whether you are a police officer, a firefighter, a doctor, a businessman, a student, or a stay-at-home parent,  we  are the backbone of this country, and must do everything we can to protect it.  Together, we can ensure that our children and generations to come will be able to enjoy the freedoms, safety, and security that make this country great."