Press Releases

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (AL-07) released the following statement in recognition of Memorial Day, which will be observed May 28:

“On Monday, we pay tribute and honor the commitment of our brave servicemen and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend this great nation. We owe our country’s freedom and safety to the willingness and courage of our troops who answered the call of duty.

Earlier this month, I had the privilege to travel with a bi-partisan congressional delegation to visit with our troops serving in Afghanistan to see firsthand the important issues they are facing.  We were honored to celebrate Mother’s Day at Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand province with our troops who serve on the frontlines every day. This experience has truly deepened my appreciation for all of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who defend and protect our freedom.

As we gather with our families and loved ones this Memorial Day weekend, let us take a moment to reflect and remember that the rights and freedoms we enjoy everyday come at a great cost and sacrifice by our armed services, veterans, and families. We must also pause to thank and honor the families of our fallen heroes. We are eternally grateful for their service and their legacy will forever remain in our hearts and memories.”


Contact: Rob NeSmith;;      202.225.2665