Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (AL-07) released the following statement regarding Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-06) announcement of retirement:

“It has been a tremendous honor to serve in Congress with Representative Spencer Bachus. Spencer has served Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District and this nation with distinction for the past two decades. As the senior member of the Alabama Congressional delegation and former chairman of the Financial Services Committee, his leadership and willingness to compromise have set him apart.

While we have not agreed on many policy concerns, I have the utmost respect for Spencer. We have found common ground on many economic development issues stemming from our shared love for Birmingham the State of Alabama. His leadership was crucial in our efforts to secure federal funding for our constituents affected by the April 2011 tornadoes and I will forever be grateful for his support in passing the Congressional Gold Medal Bill honoring the “Four Little Girls.” During these times of hyper partisanship in Congress, it has been refreshing to have a colleague willing to reach across the aisle for the common good. I not only consider Spencer an esteemed colleague, but a treasured friend. I wish Spencer and his wife Linda the best in their future endeavors.”


Contact: Hillary Beard               202.225.2665