Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Thursday, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) joined nearly 150 Members of Congress to cosponsor a resolution censuring President Trump for racist remarks he made about Haiti and African countries during a bipartisan meeting on January 11, 2018.

The full text of the resolution is available here.

“This censure resolution sends a clear message to President Trump that we reject and condemn his offensive remarks,” said Rep. Sewell. “The President’s comments about immigrants from Haiti and African countries were racist, disgraceful, and unfitting of the office of the President. Last year, our nation witnessed white supremacy marches, racial violence, and hatred that have had a painful and personal impact on millions of American families. If we let the President’s remarks go unanswered they have the power to incite more hateful behavior. We must reject racism clearly and strongly, and today’s censure sends a message that hate speech will not be tolerated.”


Rep. Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) is serving her fourth term representing Alabama’s 7th Congressional district. She sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was recently appointed to the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Sewell is a Chief Deputy Whip and serves on the prestigious Steering and Policy Committee of the Democratic Caucus. She is also a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and serves as Vice Chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus, and Vice Chair of Outreach for the New Democrat Coalition.