Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, the House and Senate passed a continuing resolution (CR) funding and reopening the government through February 8. The CR will also reauthorize funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), including Alabama’s ALLKids program, for six years. Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) voted for the agreement when it passed the House.

“Today’s vote to reopen the government and fund CHIP was an important bipartisan step forward,” said Rep. Sewell. “I am disappointed that it took as long as it did for Republicans to work with Democrats, but I am hopeful that today’s deal lays the groundwork for both parties to address some of our nation’s biggest challenges, from healthcare to immigration to care for our veterans. For Alabama families who depend on ALL Kids, for the men and women in the Armed Forces, for federal health researchers, for Alabama’s hospitals, and for all of my constituents, this legislation is a step towards future cooperation.”

“Today’s agreement is far from perfect. Congress must pass a budget with long-term funding that gives our federal agencies the certainty they need. A permanent extension of CHIP, rather than six years of funding, would have been more cost efficient and protected healthcare for children into the future. And today’s bill does not fund expired Medicare programs, reauthorize Community Health Centers, provide a solution for DREAMers, or address many of our nation’s other top priorities. With the additional time that today’s legislation buys, I will hold Republicans to their promise to work with Democrats on solutions to address these issues.”

Rep. Sewell has called on Republican leadership to extend CHIP and critical Medicare programs since they first expired at the end of September 2017. Rep. Sewell is also a cosponsor of legislation that would permanently reauthorize CHIP, generating an estimated $6 billion in savings.


Rep. Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) is serving her fourth term representing Alabama’s 7th Congressional district. She sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was recently appointed to the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Sewell is a Chief Deputy Whip and serves on the prestigious Steering and Policy Committee of the Democratic Caucus. She is also a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and serves as Vice Chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus, and Vice Chair of Outreach for the New Democrat Coalition.