Press Releases

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) released the following statement on the looming March 1st sequestration deadline:

“If this Congress is unable to work together to develop a bi-partisan solution to reduce our nation’s deficit before the March 1st deadline, drastic cuts to important programs will be made that will severely hurt our families, our communities, and our defense and related industries throughout the state of Alabama and this nation.  These cuts, also known as sequestration, will hurt our economic growth, further uncertainty in the business community and put us on an unsustainable fiscal path.

In the state of Alabama, our local communities could lose more than $27 million in federal funding to three critical programs alone — Head Start, child care and development, and special education. Our municipalities will also face severe cuts which could limit the number of police officers and firefighters, teachers, and other providers of essential government services in our communities.  

 Alabama is one of four states that will be hardest hit and could lose or furlough approximately 25,177 Army jobs as a result of the massive across-the-board cuts. Other branches of the military and other defense related industries associated with defense operations and research will also face significant cuts which will greatly limit our critical military readiness and jeopardize national security.

We must quickly develop a fair and balanced plan that raises revenue and strategically cuts spending. If we don’t, our nation’s families, communities and defense industry will suffer. Both House and Senate Democrats have put forth a plan to avert these cuts and it is my hope that we can come together to develop a bipartisan solution.”


Contact: Rob NeSmith;;       202.225.2665