Press Releases

Washington, DC—Today, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell released the following statement in response to the announcement that DaVita Dialysis has been approved by the State of Alabama to open a dialysis center in Marion, Alabama:

“I am delighted to hear that DaVita Dialysis has been approved to build a dialysis center in Marion. The work that DaVita Dialysis does is so important to the lives of so many families in the 7th Congressional District.   It is critically important that my constituents in the Black Belt and all across my district have access to dialysis services, and DaVita is a vital component of ensuring that.  Their nine centers in my district serve more than 700 people, and enable them to maintain their lives.  This new center in Marion will help DaVita reach even more of my constituents who need access to their much needed dialysis services. 

Every person in Alabama and America deserves access to affordable, quality healthcare, whether you live in a city or a small town.  I am honored to be a part of a partnership that is going to help strengthen access to and delivery of healthcare in the 7th Congressional District.”


Contact: Allison Abney;  (202) 225-2665;