Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – Today. Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell (D-AL) released the following statement today after the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial: 
“The Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial stands as a reminder of the sacrifices that he and other freedom fighters made to make our nation a place free from racism and hatred.  Dr. King's values and work in the face of hostility, apathy, and ingrained prejudices remind us that when one person is willing to speak up against injustice and inequality, they can change the world. The story of the 7th District, State of Alabama and this nation cannot be told without remembering Dr. King, whose vision and courage created a path toward liberty and equality for all Americans. We should all carry his lessons of bravery, inspiration, and fortitude with us.
Dr. King’s struggle for civil rights and his march for equality marked a turning point in American history, an extraordinary step forward in the fight for civil rights.  It is a true testament to the impact that Dr. King’s work in the name of equality has had on this country that the first African American President of the United States was among those who took part in today’s memorial dedication.
As we honor the life and legacy of Dr. King and dedicate his memorial, we not only commemorate the memory and mission, vision and values, of one of America's greatest leaders, but also we recommit ourselves to the ideas of freedom, equality and fairness for all people. Let his memorial stand as a reminder that there is much more that unites us as Americans than divides us. ”
Contact:   Allison Abney; (202) 225-2665;