Press Releases
Washington D.C. — U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07) spoke on the House Floor to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Bloody Tuesday in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and recognize the Tuscaloosa Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference ahead of their commemoration event.
Watch it on YouTube here.
Rep. Sewell: Madam Speaker, I rise to observe the 60th anniversary of Bloody Tuesday that occurred in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and to acknowledge and respect the SCLC and its Tuscaloosa chapter for their upcoming commemoration event.
On June 9, 1964, over 500 African Americans gathered at the First African Baptist Church to take a stand against racial segregation at the Tuscaloosa County Courthouse.
But before they could march even [fifty] feet, their peaceful protest was met with violence at the hands of the police and a mob of white citizens.
Protestors were tear gassed, hosed, and beaten with billy clubs and baseball bats. Altogether, 33 marchers were hospitalized, and nearly one hundred were arrested.
It was the largest assault and invasion of a Black church by law enforcement during the Civil Rights Movement.
Though lesser known, the events of Bloody Tuesday set the stage for Bloody Sunday and the eventual march from Selma to Montgomery.
I commend the Tuscaloosa SCLC for their work to keep the memory of Bloody Tuesday alive.
I ask my colleagues to join me in commemorating the 60th anniversary of Bloody Tuesday. We must never ever forget.
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