Press Releases
Rep. Sewell Statement on Benghazi Committee Report
June 27, 2016
WASHINGTON, DC – Today Rep. Sewell (D-AL), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement after House Benghazi Committee issued its final report:
“After 2 years and spending nearly $7 million in taxpayer dollars, the Republican’s Benghazi report confirmed what we already knew, that our brave men and women in Benghazi did their jobs to the best of their ability and there was no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Administration.
“The report of the Republican-led House select committee on Benghazi, like the 8 other comprehensive investigations, added nothing substantial to the story and ultimately proved to be a misguided attempt by Republicans to use this national tragedy as a political attack. The lives of the courageous men and women in Benghazi should be honored and not used as a political ploy.
“As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I was particularly concerned by the characterization in the Benghazi report of certain early intelligence assessments of the attack as "new revelations." These claims by Republicans were investigated and addressed years ago in the bipartisan report of the House Intelligence Committee issued in November 2014. I now call upon my Republican colleagues to accept the facts and disband this partisan attack committee so this nation and the families impacted can heal. "